All fees are to be paid monthly in advance by BACS or cash only. We do not accept any cheques. Please ensure when paying by bacs you use your invoice number as a reference.
(Please see our Fee payment policy document below for account details)
ALL fees are charged at the current hourly rate of £7.00 for 2-3 year olds and £5.50 per hour for 3-4 year olds from the month after their 3rd birthday. We also charge a 50 pence an hour consumable charge. Please note: prices are subject to change.
Please note we currently offer the following session times
Baileys Court
AM: 8.45am-12.15pm
PM: 12.15pm-3.15pm
Full Day: 8.45am-3.15pm
Please note Baileys Court close at 3:15pm.
Optional early start available
Emersons green
AM: 8.30am- 12.30pm
PM: 12.30-4.00pm
All day: 8.30am-4.00pm
Additional hours from 8.00am
AM: 8:30am-12:30pm, 8.00am start available
Full Day: 8:30am-4.00pm
PM: 12:30pm-4.00pm
Stoke Gifford
Am 8:30am-12:30pm
Pm 12.30pm-4.00pm
Full Day 8:30am-4:00pm
Please note Stoke Gifford and Emersons Green close at 4pm.
ALL payments are required in full by the 1st of each month or will be deemed as late payment. There will be no exceptions. Late Payments will be reminded by text. We are currently registered for several Payment Schemes that may be relevant to you or your partner’s employer. Please ring the office to enquire.
All cash payments should be for the correct amount and in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name. Please hand cash payments to the Manager. All parents/carers will be invoiced 7 days prior to payment due date via email.
Please note we are able to offer up to 14 hours for eligible 2 year old children and up to 28 hours free for eligible 3 and 4 year old children. Please contact the office to discuss your requirements.
Please see below to download documents related to our Fee and Payment policies.
Admissions Policy document
Fee Payment Policy document